Thank you for reviewing my writing samples. This page contains scripts and book excerpts not available elsewhere on this portfolio site.

You can download them through this Google Drive link.

It includes the following files:

  • Saints Row - NPC Dialogue: Dialogue sheet for a Costumed Animal Mascot NPC in the open-world AAA game Saints Row.

  • The Onion Video Script - Road Revenge: One of many scripts I wrote as a Staff Writer/Editor at The Onion. The finished video is viewable here.

  • Starship Troopers: Terran Command - Mission 5 Script: Scenario script for a sci-fi strategy game based on the Starship Troopers film series.

  • Hard Wired Island RPG - Game Mechanics and Worldbuilding - Character ideas and story inspiration for a cyberpunk TTRPG.

Please contact me if you have any trouble accessing these files.

You can also find more information about these projects, and many other samples of my work, elsewhere on this website.